4305810112 |
Stare Miasto (2)
North-western region / WIELKOPOLSKIE / SUBREGION 58 - KONIŃSKI / Powiat koniński
| Rural gmina (NTS-5) | 1995-2017 |
4306264059-0969400 |
Poznań-Stare Miasto
North-western region / WIELKOPOLSKIE / SUBREGION 62 - CITY OF POZNAŃ / City with powiat status Poznań
| Statistical locality (MSC) | 1998, 2002, 2007-2016 |
3183608042-0654010 |
Stare Miasto
Eastern region / PODKARPACKIE / SUBREGION 36 - TARNOBRZESKI / Powiat leżajski / Leżajsk (2)
| Statistical locality (MSC) | 1998, 2002, 2007-2016 |
6224209092-0157115 |
Stare Miasto
Northern region / POMORSKIE / SUBREGION 42 - STAROGARDZKI / Powiat malborski / Stary Dzierzgoń (2)
| Statistical locality (MSC) | 1998 |
6224216032-0157115 |
Stare Miasto
Northern region / POMORSKIE / SUBREGION 42 - STAROGARDZKI / Powiat sztumski / Stary Dzierzgoń (2)
| Statistical locality (MSC) | 2002, 2007-2016 |
6285415022-0472584 |
Stare Miasto
Northern region / WARMIŃSKO-MAZURSKIE / SUBREGION 54 - ELBLĄSKI / Powiat ostródzki / Dąbrówno (2)
| Statistical locality (MSC) | 1998, 2002, 2007-2016 |
4305810112-0296160 |
Stare Miasto
North-western region / WIELKOPOLSKIE / SUBREGION 58 - KONIŃSKI / Powiat koniński / Stare Miasto (2)
| Statistical locality (MSC) | 1998, 2002, 2007-2016 |
4306124085-0533191 |
Stare Miasto
North-western region / WIELKOPOLSKIE / SUBREGION 61 - POZNAŃSKI / Powiat szamotulski / Wronki - rural area (5)
| Statistical locality (MSC) | 1998, 2002, 2007-2016 |
5020564059-0986283 |
Wrocław-Stare Miasto
South-western region / DOLNOŚLĄSKIE / SUBREGION 5 - CITY OF WROCŁAW / City with powiat status Wrocław
| Statistical locality (MSC) | 1998, 2002, 2007-2016 |