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Educational events in museums 2000-2017NTS-4, NTS-5, MSC11
NP- Do 2009 r. gromadzono informacje o "wybranych formach działalności oświatowej", na które składały się: odczyty, seanse filmowe, koncerty i lekcje muzealne. Od 2010 r. w dziale sprawozdania pod nazwą "Inne formy działalności" występują kategorie: odczyty/prelekcje/spotkania, seanse filmowe, koncerty, konkursy, warsztaty, imprezy plenerowe, lekcje muzealne oraz sesje i seminaria naukowe/sympozja. W powyższym szeregu czasowym dane są nieporównywalne.
Exhibitions in the country 2015-2017MSC7
An exhibition organised by a museum (institutions related to museums) and under appropriate titles is a set of pieces of art (museum exhibits) displayed to the public (visitors). Temporary exhibitions are one-off displays held by and within the area of the museum for a specified period. Travelling exhibitions are organised by the museum and shown in different venues (locations), outside its principal location. The data on travelling exhibitions is classified under the entity making the exhibition available to the public. These exhibitions have been presented as foreign national exhibitions. The permanent exhibitions within museums, i.e. thematic exhibitions in separate parts of museum facilities, halls, or sections, etc.
Museum exhibits 2015-2017MSC2
Does not apply to branches of museums and botanical gardens, as of 31XII.
Museums 1995-2017NTS-5, MSC7
Museums subordinated to self-government in gminas, powiats, cities with powiat status 2002-2017NTS-57