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 10 items in 2 pages
Division 756 Income from legal persons, from individuals and other entities without legal personality, and expenses associated with their collecting 2005-2017NTS-57
Indicators related to population since 2010 have been converted according to the balance sheet prepared on the basis of NSP 2011 results.
General subvention 1995-2017NTS-518
Grants 1995-2017NTS-560
NP- Od danych za rok 2015 do dotacji ogółem włączono dotacje z §§ 205, 625. Dotacje celowe z budżetu państwa - od roku 2013 dane nie obejmują dotacji celowych w ramach programów finansowanych z udziałem środków europejskich oraz środków, o których mowa w art. 5 ust.1 pkt 3 oraz ust.3 pkt 5 i 6 ustawy, lub płatności w ramach budżetu środków europejskich (§§ 200 i 620)
Own revenue of gmina budgets 1995-2017NTS-566
In the years 1995-1998, own revenue of gminas did not include revenue from the share in receipts from taxes that constitute government budget revenue i.e. personal income tax (par. 15), nor corporate income tax (par. 16). In those years a different territorial and administrative division was in place (gmina self-government and 49 voivodships). The 1999 reform introduced a 3-tier territorial and administrative division of the country and as a result created the following self-governments: gmina, powiat and voivodship for each of the 16 voivodships. In addition, self-government for cities with powiat status was created. The structure of revenue of territorial self-government entities was also changed in 1999. Own revenue now includes revenue from the share in receipts from taxes that constitute government budget revenue.
Revenue for the financing and co-financing of EU programs and projects 2010-2017NTS-512
As amended by § 1 point 3a and the Regulation of the Minister of Finance dated 1 December 2010 amend Regulation on the detailed classification of revenue, expenditures, income and expense and funds from foreign sources (Journal of Laws No. 235, item. 1546), which came into force on 1 January 2011.