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 2 items in 1 pages
Amount of direct payment on the scope of RDP 2007-2013 2012-2015NTS-4144
Increasing since using the programme. Data are aggregated by 314 the Poviat Offices of ARMA which are located in cities are to poviat seat. Note: Do not generate summary data for voivodships from the poviats level because the data are aggregated according to different categories, namely:
Axis 1. Improvement of the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector
Axis 2. Improvement of the environment and the countryside
Axis 3. Quality of life in rural areas and diversification of rural economy
Axis 4. Leader
Technical assistance
Beneficiaries on the scope of RDP 2007-2013 2012-2015NTS-448
Increasing since using the programme. Data are aggregated by 314 the Poviat Offices of ARMA which are located in cities are to poviat seat. Note: Do not generate summary data for voivodships from the poviats level because the data are aggregated according to different categories, namely:
Axis 1. Improvement of the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector
Axis 2. Improvement of the environment and the countryside
Axis 3. Quality of life in rural areas and diversification of rural economy
Axis 4. Leader
Technical assistance