2122000000 |
Subregion 20 - krakowski
Southern region / MAŁOPOLSKIE
| Subregion (NTS-3) | 1995-2016 |
2122100000 |
Subregion 21 - city of Kraków
Southern region / MAŁOPOLSKIE
| Subregion (NTS-3) | 1995-2016 |
2122006000 |
Powiat krakowski
Southern region / MAŁOPOLSKIE / Subregion 20 - krakowski
| Powiat (NTS-4) | 1995-2016 |
2122161000 |
City with powiat status Kraków
Southern region / MAŁOPOLSKIE / Subregion 21 - city of Kraków
| Powiat (NTS-4) | 1995-2016 |
2122161011 |
Kraków (1)
Southern region / MAŁOPOLSKIE / Subregion 21 - city of Kraków / City with powiat status Kraków
| Urban gmina (NTS-5) | 1995-2016 |
2244402102-0076552 |
Bystra Krakowska
Southern region / ŚLĄSKIE / Subregion 44 - bielski / Powiat bielski / Wilkowice (2)
| Statistical locality (MSC) | 1998, 2002 |
5020423022-0873870 |
South-western region / DOLNOŚLĄSKIE / Subregion 4 - wrocławski / Powiat wrocławski / Długołęka (2)
| Statistical locality (MSC) | 1998, 2002, 2007-2014 |
1143021052-0005345 |
Central region / MAZOWIECKIE / Subregion 30 - warszawski zachodni / Powiat pruszkowski / Nadarzyn (2)
| Statistical locality (MSC) | 1998, 2002, 2007-2014 |
2122161011-0950463 |
Southern region / MAŁOPOLSKIE / Subregion 21 - city of Kraków / City with powiat status Kraków / Kraków (1)
| Statistical locality (MSC) | 1998, 2002, 2007-2014 |
2122161999-0950463 |
Kraków-representations was not identified
Southern region / MAŁOPOLSKIE / Subregion 21 - city of Kraków / City with powiat status Kraków
| Statistical locality (MSC) | 2011-2014 |