Searched text Voivodship Territorial units layout
CodeTerritorial units nameLocationTerritorial units kindYears of accessibility
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 10 items in 1 pages
2244500000 Subregion 45 - bytomski
Southern region / ŚLĄSKIE
Subregion (NTS-3)1995-2016
2244562000 City with powiat status Bytom
Southern region / ŚLĄSKIE / Subregion 45 - bytomski
Powiat (NTS-4)1995-2016
2244562011 Bytom (1)
Southern region / ŚLĄSKIE / Subregion 45 - bytomski / City with powiat status Bytom
Urban gmina (NTS-5)1995-2016
4081404023 Bytom Odrzański (3)
North-western region / LUBUSKIE / Subregion 14 - zielonogórski / Powiat nowosolski
Urban-rural gmina (NTS-5)1995-2016
4081404024 Bytom Odrzański - urban area (4)
North-western region / LUBUSKIE / Subregion 14 - zielonogórski / Powiat nowosolski
Town in urban-rural gmina (NTS-5)1995-2016
4081404025 Bytom Odrzański - rural area (5)
North-western region / LUBUSKIE / Subregion 14 - zielonogórski / Powiat nowosolski
Rural area in urban-rural gmina (NTS-5)1995-2016
2244562011-0938670 Bytom
Southern region / ŚLĄSKIE / Subregion 45 - bytomski / City with powiat status Bytom / Bytom (1)
Statistical locality (MSC)1998, 2002, 2007-2014
4081404024-0988359 Bytom Odrzański
North-western region / LUBUSKIE / Subregion 14 - zielonogórski / Powiat nowosolski / Bytom Odrzański - urban area (4)
Statistical locality (MSC)1998, 2002, 2007-2014
4081402072-0911641 Bytomiec
North-western region / LUBUSKIE / Subregion 14 - zielonogórski / Powiat krośnieński / Maszewo (2)
Statistical locality (MSC)1998, 2002, 2007-2014
2122001092-0838453 Bytomsko
Southern region / MAŁOPOLSKIE / Subregion 20 - krakowski / Powiat bocheński / Żegocina (2)
Statistical locality (MSC)1998, 2002, 2007-2014