Searched text Voivodship Territorial units layout
CodeTerritorial units nameLocationTerritorial units kindYears of accessibility
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 10 items in 1 pages
2245000000 Subregion 50 - sosnowiecki
Southern region / ŚLĄSKIE
Subregion (NTS-3)1995-2016
2245075000 City with powiat status Sosnowiec
Southern region / ŚLĄSKIE / Subregion 50 - sosnowiecki
Powiat (NTS-4)1995-2016
2245075011 Sosnowiec (1)
Southern region / ŚLĄSKIE / Subregion 50 - sosnowiecki / City with powiat status Sosnowiec
Urban gmina (NTS-5)1995-2016
1101520085-0416226 Sosnowiec
Central region / ŁÓDZKIE / Subregion 15 - łódzki / Powiat zgierski / Stryków - rural area (5)
Statistical locality (MSC)1998, 2002, 2007-2014
3203807032-0401963 Sosnowiec
Eastern region / PODLASKIE / Subregion 38 - łomżyński / Powiat łomżyński / Miastkowo (2)
Statistical locality (MSC)1998, 2002, 2007-2014
2245075011-0943428 Sosnowiec
Southern region / ŚLĄSKIE / Subregion 50 - sosnowiecki / City with powiat status Sosnowiec / Sosnowiec (1)
Statistical locality (MSC)1998, 2002, 2007-2014
3265302065-0267312 Sosnowiec
Eastern region / ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE / Subregion 53 - sandomiersko-jędrzejowski / Powiat jędrzejowski / Sędziszów - rural area (5)
Statistical locality (MSC)1998, 2002, 2007-2014
4306126045-0596607 Sosnowiec
North-western region / WIELKOPOLSKIE / Subregion 61 - poznański / Powiat śremski / Śrem - rural area (5)
Statistical locality (MSC)1998, 2002, 2007-2014
6040807055-0086504 Sosnowiec
Northern region / KUJAWSKO-POMORSKIE / Subregion 8 - włocławski / Powiat inowrocławski / Janikowo - rural area (5)
Statistical locality (MSC)1998, 2002, 2007-2014
6040819045-0091209 Wielki Sosnowiec
Northern region / KUJAWSKO-POMORSKIE / Subregion 8 - włocławski / Powiat żniński / Łabiszyn - rural area (5)
Statistical locality (MSC)1998, 2002, 2007-2014