| centre |
| 1999-2000 | NTS-2 | - |
| places |
| 1999-2000 | NTS-2 | - |
| residents, total |
| 1999-2000 | NTS-2 | - |
| residents, accepted by virtue of the court's decision |
| 1999-2000 | NTS-2 | - |
| residents, orphans |
| 1999-2000 | NTS-2 | - |
| residents, half-orphans |
| 1999-2000 | NTS-2 | - |
| residents, minor mothers with children |
| 1999-2000 | NTS-2 | - |
| residents, aged 0-3 years |
| 1999-2000 | NTS-2 | - |
| residents exits in reported year |
| 1999-2000 | NTS-2 | Number of graduates that left from 16th December of the previous year to 15th December of the reported year |
| residents exits to own families (age up to 18) |
| 1999-2000 | NTS-2 | Number of graduates that left from 16th December of the previous year to 15th December of the reported year |
| residents exits to adoption families (age up to 18) |
| 1999-2000 | NTS-2 | Number of graduates that left from 16th December of the previous year to 15th December of the reported year |
| residents exits to foster families (age up to 18) |
| 1999-2000 | NTS-2 | Number of graduates that left from 16th December of the previous year to 15th December of the reported year |
| residents exits to other care and education facilities (age up to 18) |
| 1999-2000 | NTS-2 | Number of graduates that left from 16th December of the previous year to 15th December of the reported year |
| residents, decrease, self-dependent (over 18 years) |
| 1999-2000 | NTS-2 | Number of graduates that left from 16th December of the previous year to 15th December of the reported year |
| residents exits, deceased (age up to 18) |
| 1999-2000 | NTS-2 | Number of graduates that left from 16th December of the previous year to 15th December of the reported year |
| residents exits, erased from the foster children list |
| 1999-2000 | NTS-2 | Number of graduates that left from 16th December of the previous year to 15th December of the reported year |
| full-time employed teachers |
| 1999-2000 | NTS-2 | Full-time employed teachers - educators, psychologists, pedagogues and others |
| employees of the health service |
| 1999-2000 | NTS-2 | - |