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 14 items in 3 pages
Dwelling stock 1995-2015NTS-59
The data concerning dwelling stock are presented on the basis of the dwelling stock balance as of 31st December. Information includes the number of dwellings, the number of rooms and the usable floor space in the dwellings located in residential and non-residential buildings. In 2002 "dwelling stock" means inhabited dwellings; from 2003 on - all dwellings.
Dwelling stock - indicators 2002-2015NTS-56
To 2002 "dwelling stock" means inhabited dwellings; from 2003 on- all dwellings.
Dwelling stock by type of ownership 1995-2007, 2009, 2013, 2015NTS-4, NTS-524
For the year 2007 data concerning dwelling stock by type of ownership are presented on the basis of the dwelling stock balance, since 2009 from reports SG-01 cz.3 i M-01 which does not include data on dwellings owned by natural persons. To 2001 means data for dwelling stock for gmina ovnership; from 2002 with other types of ovnership. Since 2007 dwelling stock by type of ownership are published every two years to the level of NTS-4 (powiat), dwelling stock of gmina to the level of NTS-5 (gmina).
Dwelling stock of gmina 2009, 2011-2016NTS-54
NP- Dane te pochodzą ze sprawozdania SG-01 cz.3. Począwszy od danych za rok 2013 źródłem danych jest sprawozdanie M-01.
Dwelling stock of gmina sold 1997-2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015NTS-54
Data based on the current reporting every two years - a period of two years.