Average monthly gross wages and salaries
| 2002-2016 | NTS-4 | 2 |
Excluding economic entities employing up to 9 persons.
Average monthly gross wages and salaries in enterprise sector by NACE Rev. 2 (short-term data)
| 2005-2017 | NTS-2 | 234 |
Data by section of NACE Rev. 2. Data within the scope of average monthly gross wages and salaries cover the economic entities of the enterprise sector which employ more than 9 persons; by 2011 data do not concern public post office and operators of the public telecommunication network. From 2011 data for II, III and IV quarter has been discontinued. These data are published only in each month and cumulatively.
Average monthly gross wages and salaries in national economy (quarterly data)
| 2005-2017 | NTS-2 | 14 |
Since the first quarter of 2012 excluding economic entities employing up to 9 persons. For the years 2005-2011 excluding economic entities employing up to 9 persons, Polish Post Joint-Stock Company, and operators of the public telecommunication network. For all years the average monthly gross wages and salaries in national economy excluding annual bonuses: From profit or balance surplus in co-operatives as well as annual extra wages and salaries for employees of budgetary sphere entities.
Data not available for Poland, due to the methodological differences.