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Activity rate by sex and age 2005-2017NTS-2168
Activity rate was calculated as the percentage share of the economically active population of a given category in the whole population of a given category, specified by sex and age.
Economic activity of the population by place of residence 2005-2017NTS-2168
In case of the Labour Force Survey (LFS), economic activity is assessed on the basis of the situation in the reference week. Economic activity of population is used to determine the status of the population (aged 15 years and more) on the labour market. As regard economic activity, the population is divided into categories: the employed, the unemployed and the economically inactive. Populations of the employed and the unemployed create the economically active population. Presentation of the data according to the above-mentioned categories includes also more detailed divisions, i.e. by the place of residence.
Economically active population by sex and age 2005-2017NTS-2168
Economically active population (or labour force) includes all persons aged 15 years and more who are considered as employed or unemployed.Presentation of the above-mentioned data includes also more detailed division, i.e. by sex and age.
Employed persons by sex, work time and PKD sections 2005-2017NTS-2288
Among the employed are included all persons aged 15 and more who during the reference week: 1) performed for at least one hour any work generating pay or income, i.e. were employed as a paid employees, worked on their own (or leased) agricultural farm, or conducted their own economic activity outside agriculture, assisted (without pay) in work on family agricultural farm or in conducting family economic activity outside agriculture, 2) had work but did not perform it: a) due to sickness, maternity leave or vacation, b) due to other reasons, but the break in employment: - did not exceed 3 months, - exceeded 3 months, but these persons were paid employees and during that period received at least 50% of the hitherto remuneration (since the 1st quarter of 2006). In accordance with the international standards, among the employed were also included apprentices who entered into occupational training or occupational preparation contract with a private or public employer, if they received remuneration. Due to the methodological assumptions the number of the employed obtained from the LFS does not comprise some categories of persons, who are considered as employed in the establishment survey, e.g.: a) employees living in lodging houses for workers, b) employees working abroad for their Polish employers. In the category of the employed, a distinction was made between full-time workers and part-time workers. This category is calculated on the basis of respondent's declaration related to the main job. The presented data concerning the kind of activity of the main job (economic sections) have been compiled on the basis of the Polish Classification of Activities (PKD), obligatory since the 1st quarter of 2000 (often modified), more significant modifications: - PKD 2004 (obligatory since the 1st quarter of 2005) - PKD 2007 (obligatory since the 1st quarter of 2008).
Employment rate by age groups and sex 2005-2017NTS-2120
Employment rate was calculated as the percentage share of the employed people of a given category in the whole population of a given category, specified by sex and age.