 Category  Years of accessibilityData accessibility levelVariables countDescription
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 6 items in 2 pages
Boiler-houses and thermic-line by location 1999-2015NTS-412
Boiler-houses and thermic-line by type of ownership and location 2003-2015NTS-418
Cubage of buildings with central heating by heating units and location 2003-2015NTS-430
Cubage of buildings with central heating by location 1999-2015NTS-415
Sale of heating energy during the year by location 2001-2015NTS-49
Sell for municipal purposes. By 2010, sales of heat was included into the town where was the headquarters of the reporting entity. Since 2011, data of the Energy Market Agency SA reflect the actual location of the sale of heat, which results the data is not comparable in relation to the previous year.