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 17 items in 4 pages
Demographic dependency ratio 2002-2016NTS-53
Dependency ratio - the non-working age population per 100 persons of working age.
Femininity ratio 2002-2016NTS-51
Coefficient to determine the relationship between number of women and men, i.e. the number of women per 100 men.
Life expectancy 1995-2016NTS-2, NTS-336
Population at pre-working (up to the age of 14), working and post-working age by sex 1995-2016NTS-512
Data by administrative division as of 31st December. The working age population refers to males aged 15-64, and females aged 15-59. Mobile age - part of working age including population at the age of 18-44 years, Non-mobility age - part of working age including population at the age: men - 45-64 years, women - 45-59 years. The non-working age population is defined as the pre-working age population, i.e., up to the age of 14 and the post-working age population, i.e., 65 and more for males and 60 and more for females.
Population at pre-working (up to the age of 17), working and post-working age by place of residence 2012-2016NTS-518