NameYears of accessibilityData accessibility levelDescription
Axis 1. Measure 111. Vocational training for persons employed in agriculture and forestry   -
Axis 1. Measure 112. Setting up of young farmers   -
Axis 1. Measure 113. Early retirement   -
Axis 1. Measure 114. Advisory services for farmers and forest owners   -
Axis 1. Measure 121. Modernisation of agricultural holdings   -
Axis 1. Measure 123. Increasing the added value to basic agricultural and forestry production   -
Axis 1. Measure 125. Improvement and development of infrastructure related to the development and adjustment of agriculture and forestry   -
Axis 1. Measure 126. Restoring agricultural production potential   -
Axis 1. Measure 132. Participation of farmers in food quality schemes   -
Axis 1. Measure 133. Information and publicity   -
Axis 1. Measure 141. Support subsistence holdings - NUTS 2, 4 by place of application   -
Axis 1 - Measure 142. Agricultural producer groups   -
Axis 2. Measure 211, 212. Support of management in mountain areas and in less-favoured areas (LFA)   -
Axis 2. Measure 214. Agri-environmental programme (Agri-environmental payments) - NUTS 2, 4 by place of application   -
Axis 2. Measure 221, 223. Afforestation of agricultural and non-agricultural land   -
Axis 2. Measure 226. Restoring forestry production potential damaged by natural disasters and introducing appropriate prevention instruments   -
Axis 3. Działanie 311. Różnicowanie w kierunku działalności nierolniczej   -
Axis 3. Measure 312. Establishment and development of micro-enterprises   -
Axis 3. Measure 321. Basic services for the economy and rural population   -
Axis 3. Measure 313, 322, 323. Village renewal and development - NUTS 2 by place of application, NUTS 4 by place of residence of the applicant   -
Axis 4. Measure 413. Implementation of Local Development Strategies - NUTS 2 by place of application, NUTS 4 by place of residence of the applicant   -
Axis 4. Measure 421. Implementation of cooperation projects   -
Axis 4. Measure 431. Running the Local Action Group, acquisition of skills and activation   -
Technical assistance   -