Group EU FUNDING - RDP 2007-2013
Subgroup Amount of direct payment on the scope of RDP 2007-2013
Supply frequency half-yearly
Source of data Statistical Surveys Programme 1.70.01 Diversification of the level and dynamics of regional development
Contact person on methodology Monika Borawska, RSO Olsztyn ,
  • Description dimensions
    • 1. Data coverage
    • 2. Measures by priority axis
      Page size:
       23 items in 5 pages
      Axis 1. Measure 111. Vocational training for persons employed in agriculture and forestryAxis 1. Improvement of the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector; Measure 111. Vocational training for persons employed in agriculture and forestry - national data
      Axis 1. Measure 112. Setting up of young farmersAxis 1. Improvement of the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector; Measure 112. Setting up of young farmers - NUTS 2 by place of application, NUTS 4 by place of residence of the applicant
      Axis 1. Measure 113. Early retirementAxis 1. Improvement of the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector; Measure 113. Early retirement - NUTS 2, 4 by place of application
      Axis 1. Measure 114. Advisory services for farmers and forest ownersAxis 1. Improvement of the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector; Measure 114. Advisory services for farmers and forest owners - NUTS 2, 4 by place of application
      Axis 1. Measure 121. Modernisation of agricultural holdingsAxis 1. Improvement of the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector; Measure 121. Modernisation of agricultural holdings - NUTS 2 by place of application, NUTS 4 by investment location
    • 3. As of
  • Variable availability in years
    NameYears of accessibilityData accessibility levelDescription
    total amount of realised payments   -
    financing from the national funds   -
    financing from the UE funds   -
  • Basic Concepts