Subgroup Signed agreement for financing by the operational programs
Supply frequency half-yearly
Source of data Statistical Surveys Programme 1.70.01 Diversification of the level and dynamics of regional development
Contact person on methodology Jarosław Kalski, CSO - Regional and Environmental Surveys Department ,
  • Description dimensions
    • 1. Operational Programmes
      Page size:
       21 items in 5 pages
      Operational Programme Infrastructure and EnvironmentThe Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment (OPI&E) for 2007-2013 is a response to the opportunities and challenges brought about by the membership in the European Union. The Programme's objective is to improve the country's investment attractiveness. The implementation of the Programme as well as achieving the said objective require adequate preparation of the public administration and beneficiaries for the best possible use of the Programme's funds. A characteristic feature of the Programme Infrastructure and Environment is an integral perspective on problems of the basic infrastructure which includes technical infrastructure and principal elements of the social infrastructure. The starting point for thus specified scope of the programme is the principle of maximising development effects, which is conditional upon a complementary treatment of the technical and social sphere in a single programme and implementation stream.
      Operational Programme Innovative EconomyThe Programme Innovative Economy for 2007-2013 is one of six national programmes under National Strategic Reference Framework, which are co-financed from EU resources. This programme is directed mostly to all entrepreneurs who want to implement innovative projects connected with research and development, modern technologies, investments of high importance for the economy or implementation and use of information and communication technologies. The overall objective of the Programme Innovative Economy 2007-2013 is the development of Polish economy based on innovative enterprises.
      Operational Programme Human CapitalOn 28 September 2007, the European Commission took the decision to implement the Operational Programme Human Capital. It is one of the programmes devised to implement the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) 2007-2013 and it covers the entire intervention of the European Social Fund (ESF) in Poland. The approval of the Programme confirms development of the main directions of the governmental employment policy and it enables the efficient use of the ESF funds by Poland within the period 2007-2013. The Programme is a response to challenges posed by the revised Lisbon Strategy on EU-member states, including Poland. Those challenges include: making Europe a more attractive place for investments and working, development of knowledge and innovations, as well as creation of a bigger number of permanent work places. Pursuant to objectives of the Lisbon Strategy and to objectives of the EU cohesion policy, development of human and social capital contributes to more efficient use of work resources and fosters the competiveness of the economy.
      Operational Programme Technical AssistanceTechnical Assistance Operational Programme (TOAP) for 2007-2013 is one of five operational programmes on national level in Poland, financed from European Regional Development Found. The main objective of TAOP is to ensure efficient and effective course of implementation of European Funds in Poland in 2007-2013. The Programme provides financial resources for the operations of National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF - implementation system of European Funds in Poland in 2007-2013) which include: preparation, management, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, control system, support of preparations of individual key projects and information and publicity of European Funds.
      Operational Programme Development of Eastern PolandThe reason for the development of this programme was that additional funding was awarded from the European Regional Development Fund for the five most disadvantaged regions: Lubelskie, Podkarpackie, Podlaskie, Świętokrzyskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie. These voivodships are characterised by the low living standards of their residents, a low dynamic of their economic development, poorly developed and inadequate transport infrastructure and insufficient growth factors. The outreach of the OP DEP covers the areas of intervention of other programmes but it differs in that its scope is restricted to selected areas which, because of the scale of activities and the expected long-term results, may have a special impact on the development processes. This programme is an additional element of support under the structural funds which will enhance the actions of other programmes on the territory of Eastern Poland.
    • 2. As of
  • Variable availability in years
    NameYears of accessibilityData accessibility levelDescription
    total   -
    Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment   -
    Operational Programme Innovative Economy   -
    Operational Programme Human Capital   -
    Operational Programme Technical Assistance   -
    Operational Programme Development of Eastern Poland   -
    Regional Programme for Dolnośląskie Voivodeship   -
    Regional Programme for Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship   -
    Lubelskie Regional Operational Programme   -
    Regional Programme for Lubuskie Voivodeship   -
    Regional Operational Programme for Łódzkie Voivodeship   -
    Regional Programme for Małopolskie Voivodeship   -
    Regional Operational Programme for Mazowieckie Voivodeship   -
    Regional Operational Programme for Opolskie Voivodeship   -
    Podkarpackie Regional Operational Programme   -
    Regional Programme for Podlaskie Voivodeship   -
    Regional Programme for Pomorskie Voivodeship   -
    Regional Operational Programme for Śląskie Voivodeship   -
    Świętokrzyskie Regional Operation Programme   -
    Regional Programme for Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship   -
    Regional Operational Programme for Wielkopolska   -
    Regional Operational Programme for Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship   -
  • Basic Concepts