 Category  Years of accessibilityData accessibility levelVariables countDescription
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 8 items in 2 pages
Bicycle lane 2011-2016NTS-56
Bicycle lane (road for bicycle) - road or part of road designated for one-trail cycles and sign-posted as such. (Act of 20 June 1997 - act of road movement (OJ of 2012 item 1137)). Data concerns lenght of bicycle lanes manged appropriately by gmina, powiat or voivodship (excluding lenght of bicycle track): independent lanes for bicycles (constructed as a part of traffic road); lanes excluding from traffic roads; lanes excluding from pavement; lanes in foot-bicycle path. Lenght of bicycle lanes is lenght of lanes running in one direction. Lenght of bicycle lanes laying on the opposite side of the road are calculated separately. Data concerns that lanes, which are used mainly to the comunication, not to the turism (e.g. running throught the forrest).
Ground urban transport 2002-2008, 2012-2016NTS-27
Urban transport lines including bus lines, tram lines and trolleybus lines. Data do not include the so-called "closed" lines, which service only employees of particular companies. Places in the vehicle (as of 31 December) is the sum of all seats in buses, trams and trolleybuses in particular voivodships.
Inventory and operating of urban transport stock 2009-2016NTS-212
Share of vehicles in traffic in vehicles in the inventory - data refer to weekdays.
Inventory number of stock as of 31 December 2002-2016NTS-27
Urban transport lines including bus lines, tram lines and trolleybus lines.Data do not include the so-called "closed" lines, which service only employees of particular companies. Places in the vehicles (as of 31 December) is the sum of all seats in buses, trams and trolleybuses in particular voivodships.
Lenght of bus lanes 2013-2016NTS-51
NP- Bus - pas jest to pas jezdni czasowo lub stale przeznaczony wyłącznie do użytkowania przez autobusy obsługujące linie regularne oraz taksówki.