Category K54
Group G191
Subgroup P1487
NameIdYears of accessibilityData accessibility levelDescription
 total2037 1998-2023Gmina-
 forests, grand total2038 1998-2023Gmina-
 protective forests2039 1998-2023Gmina-
 private forest land, total2040 1998-2023Gmina-
 private forest land owned by natural persons2041 1998-2023Gmina-
 private forest land belonging to common land2042 1998-2023Gmina-
 private forest land, protective forests2043 1998-2023Gmina-
 private forest land under simplified land development plans1646054 2022-2023Gmina-
 private forest land under forest inventory1646055 2022-2023Gmina-
 gmina forest land, total2044 1998-2023Gmina-
 gmina forest land, forests, total2045 1998-2023Gmina-
 gmina forest land, protective forests2046 1998-2023Gmina-
 gmina forest land under simplified land development plans1646056 2022-2023Gmina-
 gmina forest land under forest inventory1646057 2022-2023Gmina-
 share of gmina forest land in total area1646058 2010-2023Gmina-
 gmina forest land per capita1646059 2010-2023Gmina-
 share of gmina protective forests in the total gmina forest land area1646060 2010-2023Gmina-