Subgroup Vehicles total
Source of data Statistical Surveys Programme 2023
Domain 1.48 Transport, post
Statistical survey 1.48.02 Road freight and passenger transport
Data sets
Periodicity of the survey every year
Authority responsible for the survey President of Statistics Poland
Unit responsible for the survey Statistics Poland
Source of data Statistical Surveys Programme 2023
Domain 1.48 Transport, post
Statistical survey 1.48.13 Motor vehicles and machinery used for defence purposes
Data sets
Periodicity of the survey every year
Authority responsible for the survey Minister of National Defence
Unit responsible for the survey Ministry of National Defence Republic of Poland
Contact person on methodology Katarzyna BÄ…cela, SO Szczecin,
Last update 09/10/2024
  • Description dimensions
    • 1. Types of vehicles
      buses with up to 15 seatsincluding the driver's seat
      buses with from 16 to 45 seatsincluding the driver's seat
      buses, capacityseats
  • Variable availability in years
    NameYears of accessibilityData accessibility levelDescription
     road vehicles and tractors 2003-2023Region (NUTS 2), Powiat-
     road motor vehicles, agricultural tractors and mopeds, total 1999-2002Region (NUTS 2), Powiat-
     motorcycles total 2002-2023Region (NUTS 2), Powiat-
     motorcycles, engine capacity up to 125 cm3 2004-2023Region (NUTS 2), Powiat-
     motorcycles and scooters 1999-2001Region (NUTS 2)-
     passenger cars 1999-2023Region (NUTS 2), Powiat-
     petrol passenger cars 1999-2001Region (NUTS 2)-
     diesel fuel passenger cars 1999-2001Region (NUTS 2)-
     buses, total 1999-2023Region (NUTS 2), Powiat-
     petrol buses 1999-2001Region (NUTS 2)-
     diesel fuel buses 1999-2001Region (NUTS 2)-
     buses with up to 15 seats 1999-2001Region (NUTS 2)-
     buses with from 16 to 45 seats 1999-2001Region (NUTS 2)-
     buses, capacity 1999-2001Region (NUTS 2)-
     lorries 1999-2023Region (NUTS 2), Powiat-
     lorries, capacity under 3 tons 2002Powiat-
     lorries, capacity 10 tons and more 2002Powiat-
     goods and persons carrying vehicles 1999-2001, 2003-2023Region (NUTS 2), Powiat-
     petrol lorries 1999-2001Region (NUTS 2)-
     diesel fuel lorries 1999-2001Region (NUTS 2)-
     special purpose vehicles (including sanitary) 2003-2023Region (NUTS 2), Powiat-
     tractors, total 1999-2002Region (NUTS 2), Powiat-
     road tractors 2003-2023Region (NUTS 2), Powiat-
     road tractors 1999-2023Region (NUTS 2), Powiat-
     ballast tractors 2003Region (NUTS 2)-
     agricultural tractors 2002-2023Region (NUTS 2), Powiat-
     agricultural wheel tractors 1999-2001, 2004-2008Region (NUTS 2)-
     sanitary vehicles 1999-2001Region (NUTS 2)-
     trolley-bus, total 1999-2001Region (NUTS 2)-
     special purpose vehicles 1999-2002Region (NUTS 2), Powiat-
     mopeds 1999-2002, 2009-2023Region (NUTS 2), Powiat-
     truck semi-trailers, total 2002Powiat-
     truck semi-trailers, capacity 20 tons and more 2002Powiat-
     truck trailers, total 2002Powiat-
     truck trailers, capacity 10 tons and more 2002Powiat-
  • Basic Concepts
    Agricultural tractor
    Passenger car
    Road motor vehicle registered
    Road tractor (Truck tractor)