| State owned enterprises total |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| State owned enterprises in sections B,C,D,E |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| State owned enterprises in section F |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| State owned enterprises in section G |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| State owned enterprises in section H |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Cooperatives total |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Cooperatives in section A |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Cooperatives in sections B,C,D,E |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Cooperatives in section F |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Cooperatives in section G |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Cooperatives in section L |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Commercial companies - grand total |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Commercial companies - with foregin capital parcipation total |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Commercial companies - in sections B,C,D,E |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Commercial companies - in section F |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Commercial companies - in section G |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Commercial companies - in section L |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Commercial companies - joint stock total |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Commercial companies - joint stock sole-shareholder companies of the State Treasury |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Commercial companies - joint stock with foregin capital parcipation |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Commercial companies - limited liability total |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Commercial companies - limited liability sole-shareholder companies of the State Treasury |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Commercial companies - limited liability with foregin capital parcipation |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Civil law partnerships companies |
| 2012-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Commercial companies - simple joint-stock companies |
| 2021-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Commercial companies - simple joint stock sole-shareholder companies of the State Treasury |
| 2021-2023 | Statistical locality | - |
| Commercial companies - simple joint-stock companies with foregin capital parcipation |
| 2021-2023 | Statistical locality | - |