Category K25
Group G203
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 9 items in 2 pages
Communal and district local self-government organizational units by PKD 2007 P2776 2009-2023Statistical locality38
Gmina, powiat, voivodeship organizational unit - a unit created by a gmina, powiat, voivodeship self-government body for the implementation of its own, commissioned or entrusted public tasks. These are organizational units without legal personality, i.e.: budgetary units (including, for example, gmina offices), budgetary establishments.
Entered entities by sections and divisions of the NACE rev. 1.2 (PKD 2007) P2809 2009-2023Statistical locality144
Data according to PKD sections and divisions are presented only for entities of national economy in general. However, entities of national economy in the public and private sectors are presented only by PKD sections.
Entered entities of the national economy by ownership sectors P2822 1995-2023Gmina, Statistical locality23
Not all legal forms of entities are presented, therefore the figures do not sum up to the total sector. For the items "entities of the national economy - total" and "public sector - total" entities including auxiliary units. In 2000, including persons running individual farms in agriculture (section A PKD2004), registered in the REGON register.
Entities by size classes P2315 2002-2023Gmina, Statistical locality7
Entities classified according to the criterion of the number of persons employed.
Entities entered by groups of kind activity of the NACE rev. 1.2 P2803 2009-2023Statistical locality4