Category K12
Group G225
 SubgroupId  Years of accessibilityData accessibility levelVariables countDescription
Page size:
 7 items in 2 pages
Construction and assembly production of construction enterprises by enteprise head office and work-site location (PKD2007) P3871 2005-2023Region (NUTS 2)3
Construction and assembly production of construction enterprises with more than 9 persons employed by head office and main type of activity (PKD2007) P3872 2017-2023Region (NUTS 2)12
Construction and assembly production of construction enterprises with more than 9 persons employed by types of constructions (PKOB classification) P3873 2017-2023Region (NUTS 2)87
Construction and assembly production realized by construction entities (PKD 2007) realized by subcontractors with more than 9 persons employed P4062 2017-2023Region (NUTS 2)3
Construction and assembly production realized by construction entities (PKD 2007) realized by subcontractors with more than 9 persons employed by main type of activity.
Construction and assembly production realized by construction entities (PKD 2007) realized outside the territory of Poland and average paid employment P4063 2017-2023Region (NUTS 2)2
Construction and assembly production realized by construction entities (PKD 2007) realized outside the territory of Poland and average paid employment by countries work site location in construction entities with more than 9 persons employed by main type of activity.