Category K8
Group G245
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 6 items in 2 pages
Road accidents and road casualties P1754 1999-2023Region (NUTS 2), Powiat, Gmina4
Road accident - event connected with the movement of vehicles on public roads as a result of which death or injury occurred. A road accident fatality is understood as a person who died (as a result of injuries incurred) at the scene of the accident or in the course of 30 days. A road accident injury is understood as a person who incurred injuries and received medical attention. The data of the Police Headquarters from the Accident and Collision Record System for 2011 and 2012 were generated on 13/05/2013.
Road accidents and road casualties - indicators P2423 2002-2023Region (NUTS 2), Powiat, Gmina6
Indicators relating to the number and structure of the population (gender, age group) since 2010 have been recalculated in accordance with the balance sheet prepared on the basis of the results of the National Census 2011. Indicators relating to the number and structure of the population (gender, age group) since 2020 have been recalculated in accordance with the balance sheet prepared on the basis of the results of the National Census 2021.
Road accidents and road casualties (quarterly data) P3884 2020-2024Powiat20
Data of the Police Headquarters from the Traffic Casualties and Clashes System (SEWIK). Year 2020: first quarter as of 28th April 2020, first half-year as of 20th July 2020, three quarters as of 27th October 2020, year 2020 as of 14th February 2021. Year 2021: first quarter as of 21th April 2021, first half-year as of 20th July 2021, three quarters as of 21th October 2021, year 2021 as of 13th February 2022. Year 2022: first quarter as of 22th April 2022, first half-year as of 25th July 2022, three quarters as of 26th October 2022, year 2022 as of 16th February 2023. Year 2023: first quarter as of 21th April 2023, first half-year as of 21th July 2023, three quarters as of 23th October 2023, year 2023 as of 7th February 2024. Year 2024: first quarter as of 23th April 2024, first half-year as of 24th July 2023, three quarters as of 22th October 2024.
Road accidents by major causes P3909 2014-2023Region (NUTS 2)14
Road accidents by type of culprit's vehicle P3910 2014-2023Region (NUTS 2)11