Category K25
Group G565
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 16 items in 4 pages
Entities of the national economy by the REGON register, by ownership sectors and sections PKD 2004 (quarterly data) P2614 2005-2009Powiat684
Data by ownership sectors are presented only for the sections PKD 2004 - data not available for divisions.
Entities of the national economy entered in the REGON register - Communal organizational units by PKD 2004 P1598 2002-2009Powiat8
Gmina, powiat, voivodship organizational unit - a unit created by a gmina, powiat, voivodship self-government body for the implementation of its own, commissioned or entrusted public tasks. These are organizational units without legal personality, i.e.: budgetary units (including, for example, gmina offices), budgetary establishments.
Entities of the national economy entered in the REGON register - District local self-government organizational units by PKD 2004 P1599 2002-2009Powiat7
Gmina, powiat, voivodship organizational unit - a unit created by a gmina, powiat, voivodship self-government body for the implementation of its own, commissioned or entrusted public tasks. These are organizational units without legal personality, i.e.: budgetary units (including, for example, gmina offices), budgetary establishments.
Entities of the national economy entered in the REGON register by PKD 2004 P1597 1995-2009Gmina54
In the years 1998-2000, divided into PKD sections, units without auxiliary units, in the remaining years, units including auxiliary units. In 2000, including persons running individual farms in agriculture (section A PKD2004), registered in the REGON register.
Entities of the national economy removed from the REGON register by PKD 2004 P1998 2003-2009Powiat54