Development expenditures from EU funds
| 2015-2022 | Region (NUTS 2) | 66 |
Expenditures financed with funds from the EU budget or constituting national co-financing, not classified under other economic categories - this category includes those expenditures that are not included in other categories of development expenditures, but are financed with funds from the EU budget allocated to the implementation of cohesion policy or constitute national co-financing of such funds; the occurrence of this category, as well as the analogous task and group of development expenditures, is a consequence of the assumption that all expenditures on cohesion policy should be included in the Classification of Development Expenditures.
Development expenditures from national funds
| 2015-2022 | Region (NUTS 2) | 1848 |
A group is the most general unit (division) of the classification of development expenditures, covering expenditures that contribute in a similar way to the achievement of development policy objectives (i.e., have certain common characteristics that justify their inclusion in one of the groups). Roughly speaking, the division of development expenditures into groups reflects the assumptions made about the importance of individual expenditures to the achievement of development policy goals, i.e. the degree/way in which specific expenditures contribute to the achievement of these goals. The classification of development expenditures distinguishes the following public tasks carried out as part of development policy (or public tasks that support development): - Supporting individual branches of the economy (G) with a distinction made between supporting agriculture, forestry and fishing (Ga) and other branches (Gb); - Infrastructure and other public services (U); - Transportation infrastructure and services (T); - ICT infrastructure and services (I); - Science and research and development activities (N); - Higher education (W); - Operation of the educational system (O); - Health benefits and health promotion (Z); - Cultural activities (K); - Promotion of sports and tourism (S); - Environmental protection (¶); - Education (Y). The classification of development expenditures distinguishes the following economic categories to obtain information about the type of public task being financed and the economic nature of the expenditure: - current transfers to entities outside the public finance sector, with the exception of transfers related to shares in companies (surcharges) (tra); - expenditures in the nature of remuneration for work performed and services rendered (wyn); - expenditures for the development of human capital (other) (klu); - expenditures for the current activities of basic institutions from the point of view of achieving development policy objectives (bie); - investment expenditures (inv); - expenditures related to the acquisition and exercise of rights and obligations in companies (inj).