Category K2
Group G4
Subgroup P1326
NameIdYears of accessibilityData accessibility levelDescription
 total20006 1999-2023Powiat-
 managers60592 2005-2023Powiat-
 legislators, senior officials and managers3186 1999-2004Powiat-
 professionals3187 1999-2023Powiat-
 technicians and associate professionals3188 1999-2023Powiat-
 clerical support workers3189 1999-2023Powiat-
 service and sales workers3190 1999-2023Powiat-
 skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers3191 1999-2023Powiat-
 craft and related trades workers3192 1999-2023Powiat-
 plant and machine operators, and assemblers3193 1999-2023Powiat-
 elementary occupations3194 1999-2023Powiat-
 armed forces occupations3195 1999-2023Powiat-
 other non-classified10428 2003-2023Powiat-