Category K11
Group G57
Subgroup P1601
NameIdYears of accessibilityData accessibility levelDescription
 length of active sewage network494 1995-2023Gmina-
 length of working sewage network administrated by the gmina8898 2000-2023Gmina-
 length of active sewage network administrated by the gmina, including network operated by public utility entities8899 2000-2023Gmina-
 connections leading to residential buildings and collective accomodation facilities495 1995-2023Gmina-
 sewage network breakdowns475706 2015-2023Gmina-
 domestic wastewater discharged by sewage network475707 2015-2023Gmina-
 untreated wastewater475708 2015-2023Gmina-
 dwellings in residential buildings newly connected to sewerage system498 1999-2003Gmina-
 wastewater treated discharged497 1996-2023Gmina-
 population using the sewage system in urban areas496 1995-2023Gmina-
 population using the sewage system9153 2002-2023Gmina-
 population using the sewage network in the countryside1641700 2020-2023Gmina-
 number of sewage system failures per 1 km of sewage system1725251 2022-2023Gmina-
 share of the number of people using sewage installations1725252 2022-2023Gmina-