Category K9
Group G575
Subgroup P1861
NameIdYears of accessibilityData accessibility levelDescription
 industrial waste water pre-treatment plants2175 1998Gmina-
 industrial waste water pre-treatment plants throughput2176 1998Gmina-
 sewerage system discharging sewage2140 1998Gmina-
 sewerage system discharging rainwater2141 1998Gmina-
 water supply circulation system, installation capacity2147 1998Gmina-
 reclamation of deposits, waste heaps, landfill sites and settling ponds1478 1995-1998Gmina-
 landfill sites and settling ponds built for industrial waste1580 1996-1997Gmina-
 landfill sites and settling ponds built for municipal waste1571 1996-1997Gmina-
 landfill sites and settling ponds built for industrial and municipal waste2146 1998Gmina-
 adaptation of internal-combustion engines to gas fuel2148 1998Gmina-
 soil remediation2149 1998Gmina-