Category K3
Group G10
Subgroup P1869
NameIdYears of accessibilityData accessibility levelDescription
 total216968 1999-2023Region (NUTS 2)-
 from hired work216969 1999-2023Region (NUTS 2)-
 from a private farm in agriculture216970 1999-2023Region (NUTS 2)-
 from self-employment216971 1999-2023Region (NUTS 2)-
 average monthly available income per capita from a private farm in agriculture in relation to average monthly available income per capita from self-employment450573 2003-2023Region (NUTS 2)-
 from social benefits216972 1999-2023Region (NUTS 2)-
 from social benefits; of which from child-raising benefit "Family 500+"519999 2016-2023Region (NUTS 2)-
 disposable income216973 1999-2023Region (NUTS 2)-
 total, Poland = 100288163 2005-2023Region (NUTS 2)-