Category K22
Group G658
Subgroup P2163
NameIdYears of accessibilityData accessibility levelDescription
 centres53025 2004-2023Region (NUTS 2), Statistical locality-
 places217091 2008-2011Statistical locality-
 residents staying 24 hours (as of 31 December)53026 2004-2011Region (NUTS 2), Statistical locality-
 residents staying 24 hours in the reported year73930 2006-2011Region (NUTS 2), Statistical locality-
 using day care (as of 31 December)53024 2004-2011Region (NUTS 2)-
 using day care in the reported year73931 2006-2011Region (NUTS 2)-
 volunteers in the reported year53023 2004-2023Region (NUTS 2), Statistical locality-
 places, total399986 2012-2023Statistical locality-
 residents, total399987 2012-2023Statistical locality-
 residents, girls399988 2012-2023Statistical locality-
 residents, boys399990 2012-2023Statistical locality-
 residents in the reported year399989 2012-2023Statistical locality-
 residents, accepted by virtue of the court's decision399991 2012-2023Region (NUTS 2)-
 residents, orphans399992 2012-2023Region (NUTS 2)-
 residents, half-orphans399993 2012-2023Region (NUTS 2)-
 residents, minor mothers399994 2012-2023Region (NUTS 2)-
 residents, aged 0-3 years399995 2012-2023Region (NUTS 2)-
 residents exits (aged up to 18) in reported year399996 2012-2023Region (NUTS 2)-
 residents (aged up to 18) exits in reported year - handed over for adoption399997 2012-2023Region (NUTS 2)-
 residents (over 18 years) exits in reported year399998 2012-2023Region (NUTS 2)-