Category K3
Group G7
Subgroup P2426
NameIdYears of accessibilityData accessibility levelDescription
 non-working age population per 100 persons of working age60563 2002-2023Gmina-
 post-working age population per 100 persons of pre-working age60564 2002-2023Gmina-
 post-working age population per 100 persons of working age60562 2002-2023Gmina-
 old-age dependency ratio634067 2003-2023Gmina-
 ageing ratio (percentage of people aged 65 and more)634989 2003-2023Gmina-
 ageing ratio (percentage of people aged 65 and more) - men1621910 2003-2023Gmina-
 ageing ratio (percentage of people aged 65 and more) - women1621911 2003-2023Gmina-