Category K9
Group G223
Subgroup P2438
NameIdYears of accessibilityData accessibility levelDescription
 total60605 2005-2023Gmina-
 total per capita455424 2005-2023Gmina-
 from households60603 2005-2023Gmina-
 waste from households per capita288061 2005-2023Gmina-
 share of waste landfilled in collected mixed waste65585 2005-2023Region (NUTS 2), Gmina-
 residential buildings covered by the collection of waste from households152343 2009-2012Gmina-
 units collecting waste in the examined year by activity area152342 2009-2023Gmina-
 from other sources (commerce, small business, offices and institutions)566435 2017-2023Gmina-