Category K9
Group G223
Subgroup P2840
NameIdYears of accessibilityData accessibility levelDescription
 operational landfill sites on which municipal waste is treated - as of 31 December154650 2009-2023Powiat, Gmina-
 area of operational landfill sites on which municipal waste is treated - as of 31 December154651 2009-2023Powiat, Gmina-
 reclaimed area of operational landfill sites on which municipal waste is treated - as of 31 December566905 2017-2023Gmina-
 reclaimed area of operational landfill sites on which municipal waste is treated - during a year566906 2017-2023Gmina-
 not operational landfill sites on which municipal waste is treated - during a year566907 2017-2023Gmina-
 area of not operational landfill sites on which municipal waste is treated - during a year566908 2017-2023Gmina-
 reclaimed area of not operational landfill sites on which municipal waste is treated - during a year566909 2017-2023Gmina-