Category K23
Group G653
Subgroup P4418
NameIdYears of accessibilityData accessibility levelDescription
public libraries per 10,000 population    -
library users in public libraries per 1,000 population    -
items in collection of public libraries per 1,000 population    -
share of new items in collection of public libraries    -
share of audio-visual items in collection of public libraries    -
visits to public libraries per 1,000 population    -
people employed in primary activities of public libraries per 1,000 population    -
percentage of public libraries offering access to on-line catalogue    -
electronic devices with installed e-book reading software per 10,000 public library users    -
audiobook players per 10,000 public library users    -
average working hours after 16.00 in public libraries    -
available m2 of usable area in public libraries per 1,000 population    -
seats specially adapted to work for people with various types of disabilities in public libraries per 10,000 population    -
percentage of public libraries adapted to the needs of disabled people    -
participants of activities carried by theatres and music institutions, museums and centres of culture, cultural centres and establishments, clubs and community centres per 1,000 population    -
activities carried by theatres and music institutions, museums and centres of culture, cultural centres and establishments, clubs and community centres per 1,000 population    -
people employed per one cultural institution - centre of culture, cultural centre and establishment, club and community centre    -
percentage of buildings adapted to the needs of disabled people (infrastructure)    -
population per one cultural institution - centre of culture, cultural centre and establishment, club and community centre    -
participants of events organised by theatres and music institutions, museums, art galleries, cinemas and centres of culture, cultural centres and establishments, clubs and community centres per 1,000 population    -
number of events organised by theatres and music institutions, museums, art galleries, cinemas and centres of culture, cultural centres and establishments, clubs and community centres    -
participants of mass events per 1,000 population    -
mass events per 100,000 population    -
seats for the audience in theatres and music institutions, cinemas and centres of culture, cultural centres and establishments, clubs and community centres per 1,000 population    -
percentage of theatres and music institutions, museums, art galleries, cinemas adapted to the needs of disabled people    -
people employed in museums and art galleries    -
museums and art galleries per 10,000 population    -
exhibitions in museums and art galleries per 10,000 population    -
visitors of exhibitions in museums and art galleries per 10,000 population    -
percentage of exhibits made available digitally    -