Subgroup Gross fertility and reproduction rate
Source of data Statistical Surveys Programme 2023
Domain 1.21 Population, demographic processes
Statistical survey 1.21.01 Births. Fertility
Data sets
Periodicity of the survey every year
Authority responsible for the survey President of Statistics Poland
Unit responsible for the survey Statistics Poland
Contact person on methodology Marzena Kowalik, Statistics Poland - Demographic Surveys Department,
Monika Rudzka - Rybicka, SO Olsztyn,
Last update 05/06/2024
  • Description dimensions
    • 1. Rates
      fertilityTotal fertility rate means the number of children that would be born on average by the woman during the whole her reproductive age (15-49), by assumption, that in particular phases of this period she would give birth the children with the intensity observed in a given year, i.e. the age-specific fertility rates are treated as constant.
      gross reproductionThe gross reproduction rate shows the number of daughters born on average by the woman assuming that she in her reproductive age (15-49) will bear with the intensity characteristic for all women bearing in the year for which the reproduction rate (constant fertility rates) is calculated.
  • Variable availability in years
    NameYears of accessibilityData accessibility levelDescription
     fertility 2002-2023Subregions (NUTS 3)-
     gross reproduction 2002-2023Subregions (NUTS 3)-
  • Basic Concepts
    Gross reproduction rate
    Total fertility rate