Subgroup Students and graduates by type of higher education institutions and type of studies
Source of data Statistical Surveys Programme 2023
Domain 1.27 Education
Statistical survey 1.27.05 Higher education institutions and its finances
Data sets
Periodicity of the survey every year
Authority responsible for the survey President of Statistics Poland ; Minister in charge of higher education and science
Unit responsible for the survey Statistics Poland; Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Contact person on methodology Ewelina Grochowska-Subotowicz, SO Gdańsk,
Last update 21/11/2024
  • Description dimensions
    • 1. Types of institution
    • 2. Groups of persons
    • 3. Studies
      long-cycle programmesOne-cycle five-year Master's degree studies providing in-depth and specialized knowledge in a given domain, as well as preparing for creative work in a given vocation, leading to a Master's or equivalent degree.
      first-cycle programmesBachelor's degree studies providing the basic knowledge and skills in a given domain, preparing for work in a given vocation, leading to a Bachelor's degree.
      second-cycle programmesMaster's degree studies as a postgraduate programme leading to a Master's degree or equivalent; this studies are available for persons having the Bachelor's degree.
      second-cycle programmes, femalesMaster's degree studies as a postgraduate programme leading to a Master's degree or equivalent; this studies are available for persons having the Bachelor's degree.
  • Variable availability in years
    NameYears of accessibilityData accessibility levelDescription
    higher education institutions, total   -
    HEIs supervised by the minister responsible for higher education   -
    HEIs supervised by the minister responsible for health   -
    HEIs supervised by the minister responsible for maritime economy   -
    HEIs supervised by the minister responsible for culture and protection of national heritage   -
    HEIs supervised by the minister responsible for national defence, minister responsible for internal affairs and minister responsible for justice   -
    HEIs run by churches and other religious associations   -
  • Basic Concepts
    Higher education student