Subgroup Cleanness
Source of data Statistical Surveys Programme 2023
Domain 1.01 Environmental state and protection
Statistical survey 1.01.08 Waste
Data sets
Periodicity of the survey every year
Authority responsible for the survey President of Statistics Poland ; Chief Inspector of Environmental Protection ; Minister in charge of climate
Unit responsible for the survey Statistics Poland; Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection; Ministry of Climate and Environment
Contact person on methodology Monika Bojanowska, SO Wrocław,
Last update 28/02/2024
  • Description dimensions
    • 1. Specification
  • Variable availability in years
    NameYears of accessibilityData accessibility levelDescription
     number of rubbish bins - as of 31 December 2020-2023Gmina-
     number of rubbish bins per 100 inhabitants 2020-2023Gmina-
     collected construction and demolition waste that is municipal waste 2020-2023Gmina-
     construction and demolition waste that is municipal waste subject to recovery 2020-2023Gmina-
     recycling level of preparation for reuse and recovery of other than hazardous construction and demolition waste that is municipal waste 2020-2023Gmina-
     municipal waste separate collection points - as of 31 December 2017-2023Gmina-
     area per 1 municipal waste separate collection point 2020-2023Gmina-
     the area that was kept cleanliness and tidiness by municipalities in the summer 2021-2023Gmina-
     the area that was kept cleanliness and tidiness by municipalities in the winter 2021-2023Gmina-
     the area covered by the daily and more frequent maintenance of cleanliness and tidiness in the municipalities in the summer 2021-2023Gmina-
     the area covered by the daily and more frequent maintenance of cleanliness and tidiness in the municipalities in thewinter 2021-2023Gmina-
     the share of the area kept cleanliness and tidiness in the total area of ??a given territorial unit 2021-2023Gmina-
     the share of the area kept cleanliness and tidiness covered by daily or more frequent maintenance in the total area of the municipality kept cleanliness and tidiness 2021-2023Gmina-
     duration of the service of maintaining cleanliness and order in the municipalitie's grounds in the summer 2021-2023Gmina-
     duration of the service of maintaining cleanliness and order in the municipalitie's grounds in the winter 2021-2023Gmina-
  • Basic Concepts
    Municipal waste collected separately