Category K3
Group G10
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 9 items in 2 pages
At-risk-of-poverty rate after social transfers P2712 2005-2023Region (NUTS 2)1
At-risk-of-poverty rate after social transfers - the share of persons (%) with an equivalised disposable income below the risk-of-poverty threshold, which is set at 60 % of the national median annual equivalised disposable income (after social transfers). Source: Eurostat, based on data from the European study of income and living conditions (EU-SILC).
Average monthly available income per capita P1869 1999-2023Region (NUTS 2)9
The sum of the current incomes of the household from all sources reduced by advances towards personal income tax paid by the employer on behalf of the tax-payer, by taxes paid from income from property, by taxes paid by self-employed persons, including freelance professionals and persons using private farm in agriculture and by social security and health insurance premiums. The available income covers both income in cash and in kind, including natural consumption as well as goods and services received free of charge. Data for 2022 were generalized on the basis of the preliminary results of the National Population and Housing Census 2021 and are not directly comparable with the data for previous years, which were generalized on the basis of the results of the National Population and Housing Census 2011.
Average monthly expenditures per capita P1870 1998-2023Region (NUTS 2)18
Expenditures comprise expenditures on consumer goods and services and other expenditures. Expenditures on consumer goods and services are allocated to satisfying household's needs. They include products purchased by cash, also using debt or credit card, on credit, received free of charge and natural consumption (consumer goods and services taken from individual farm or own economic activity to satisfy household's needs). Other expenditures include, i.a.: amounts transferred to other households and non-commercial institutions, including gifts; boarding costs of youth and students studying away from home; private alimony; some taxes, e.g.: on real estate, inheritance and donations, income from property as well as renting and selling real estate; monetary losses. Data for 2022 were generalized on the basis of the preliminary results of the National Population and Housing Census 2021 and are not directly comparable with the data for previous years, which were generalized on the basis of the results of the National Population and Housing Census 2011.
Average monthly per capita consumption of selected foodstuffs P2456 2003-2023Region (NUTS 2)20
Data for years 2021-2023 were weighted with the structure of households by number of persons, class of locality, age and sex coming from results of the Population and Housing Census 2021, therefore are not directly comparable with the data for previous years, which were generalized on the basis of the results of the National Population and Housing Census 2011. Due to the updated generalization, the results for 2021-2022 differ from those published previously, the generalization of which took into account only information on the number of people and place of residence (without information on age and sex) from the Population and Housing Census 2021.
Average number of persons P1868 1999-2023Region (NUTS 2)6
Average number of persons receiving social benefits: since 2019, excluding children aged 15-18 receiving the child-raising benefit ”Family 500+” (in 2018 children aged 15-18 receiving the child-raising benefit ”Family 500+” were included). Average number of persons dependents: since 2019, including children aged 15-18 receiving the child-raising benefit ”Family 500+” (in 2018 children aged 15-18 receiving the child-raising benefit ”Family 500+” were excluded). Data for 2022 were generalized on the basis of the preliminary results of the National Population and Housing Census 2021 and are not directly comparable with the data for previous years, which were generalized on the basis of the results of the National Population and Housing Census 2011.