Average paid employment by sections
| 2005-2023 | Region (NUTS 2) | 21 |
Excluding (apprentices) persons employed on the basis of the employment contract in order to undergo an occupational training. Agriculture, forestry and fishing: Section A “Agriculture, forestry and fishing”, manufacturing and construction: Section B C D E F, manufacturing: Section B C D E, Section B “Mining and quarrying”, Section C “Manufacturing”, Section D “Electricity, gas, steam, hot water and air conditioning manufacturing and supply”, Section E “Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities”, Section F “Construction”, trade; repair of motor vehicles, transportation and storage, accommodation and catering, information and communication: Section G H I J, Section G “Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles including motorcycles”, Section H “Transportation and storage”, Section I “Accommodation and food service activities”, Section J “Information and communication”, financial and insurance activities, real estate activities: Section K L, Section K “Financial and insurance activities”, Section L “Real estate activities”, other service activities: Section M N O P Q R S T U, Section M “Professional, scientific and technical activities”, Section N “Administrative and support service activities”, Section O “Public administration and defence; compulsory social security”, Section P “Education”, Section Q “Human health and social work activities”, Section R “Arts, entertainment and recreation activities”, Section S “Other service activities”. Data on the average paid employment in private farms in agriculture in the years 2002-2009 were estimated using the results of the National Population and Housing Census and the Agricultural Census 2002. Data from 2010 to 2019 including the average paid employment in private farms in agriculture – using the results of the Agricultural Census 2010, from 2020 – using the results of the Agricultural Census 2020.
Average paid employment in the enterprise sector (short-term data)
| 2005-2025 | Region (NUTS 2) | 303 |
Data by section of NACE Rev. 2. Data within the scope of average paid employment cover the economic entities of the enterprise sector with 10 or more persons employed. Within section "Professional, scientific and technical activities" the "Research and experimental development" and "Veterinary activities" divisions are not covered. Data on average paid employment include persons employed on the basis of a labour contract, on a full and part-time basis, converted to full-time work period; by 2011 data do not concern public post office and operators of the public telecommunication network. From 2011 data for second, third and fourth quarter has been discontinued. These data are published only in each month and cumulatively.
Employed persons in the enterprise sector (short-term data)
| 2005-2025 | Region (NUTS 2) | 144 |
Data by section of NACE Rev. 2. Data within the scope of employed persons cover the economic entities of the enterprise sector with 10 or more persons employed. Within section "Professional, scientific and technical activities" the "Research and experimental development" and "Veterinary activities" divisions are not covered. Data as of the end of the month; by 2011 data do not concern public post office and operators of the public telecommunication network.