Category K37
Group G606
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 8 items in 2 pages
Persons in suicides and suicidal behaviours P3833 2018-2023Powiat12
Indicators relating to the number and structure of the population (gender, age group) since 2020 have been recalculated in accordance with the balance sheet prepared on the basis of the results of the National Census 2021.
Persons in suicides and suicidal behaviours by age group P3840 2018-2023Powiat18
Persons in suicides and suicidal behaviours by disturbance of state of consciousness P3838 2018-2023Powiat14
There can be more than one reason for a suicide.
Persons in suicides and suicidal behaviours by education P3836 2018-2023Powiat16
Persons in suicides and suicidal behaviours by education P3837 2018-2023Powiat14