Category K22
Group G553
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 7 items in 2 pages
Beneficiares from community social assistance according to criterion of income and economic age groups P3538 2009-2022Powiat, Gmina18
The data includes the number of people, household members and homeless people who in a given year benefited from any social welfare benefits, alternatively defined as beneficiaries of social welfare. Each person was only enrolled once, regardless of the type and frequency of benefits received. The community includes both beneficiaries, i.e. persons to whom the decision granting the benefit was issued, as well as members of their families with whom they stay in the same household.
Beneficiaries od social assistance - indicators P3870 2009-2022Gmina1
Indicators relating to the number and structure of the population (gender, age group) since 2020 have been recalculated in accordance with the balance sheet prepared on the basis of the results of the National Census 2021.
Beneficiaries od social assistance at domicile aged 18 and over according to the income criterion and the main source of income P3867 2019-2022Powiat18
Households benefiting from community social assistance according to criterion of income P3536 2009-2022Gmina3
The data includes the actual number of households which in a given year benefited from social welfare benefits. Each household was included only once, regardless of the type and number of benefits received and regardless of whether one or more people received the benefit in a multi-person household. A household that benefits from social welfare benefits is one that has received monetary benefits, non-monetary benefits or in the form of services through a social welfare center in accordance with the Law on Social Assistance, dated 12 March 2004 (Journal of Laws 2020 item 1876), as amended d. (uniform text D.U. of June 29, 2016, item 930). The condition for granting the assistance is the occurrence of one of the problems listed in Article 7 of the Act. In the case of monetary benefits, the basic condition for granting them is the income criterion.
Households benefiting from social assistance at domicile according to criterion of income and family composition P3868 2019-2022Powiat15