Category K2
Group G421
Subgroup P2850
NameIdYears of accessibilityData accessibility levelDescription
 draft plans - total194851 2009-2023Gmina-
 draft plans, the preparation of which takes less than 2 years1640503 2021-2023Gmina-
 draft plans, the preparation of which takes 2-3 years1640504 2021-2023Gmina-
 draft plans, the preparation of which takes 3-4 years1640505 2021-2023Gmina-
 draft plans, the preparation of which takes more than 4 years1640506 2021-2023Gmina-
 draft plans, the preparation of which takes more than 3 years194852 2009-2023Gmina-
 share of plans, the preparation of which takes more than 3 years634076 2009-2023Gmina-
 area - total196357 2009-2023Gmina-
 area of land covered by a binding local spatial management plan196356 2009-2023Gmina-
 share of area covered by local spatial management plans in the course of preparation as a proportion of total area1722472 2010-2023Gmina-