Subgroup Doctors and dentists by sex
Source of data Statistical Surveys Programme 2023
Domain 1.29 Health and health protection
Statistical survey 1.29.06 Medical staff of health care
Data sets
Periodicity of the survey every year
Authority responsible for the survey President of Statistics Poland ; Minister in charge of health; Minister in charge of internal affairs
Unit responsible for the survey Statistics Poland; Ministry of Health ; Ministry of the Interior and Administration
Contact person on methodology Małgorzata Żyra, Statistics Poland - Social Surveys and Labour Department,
Last update 05/12/2024
  • Description dimensions
    • 1. Data coverage
      personnel - employed persons in the main place of workEmployed persons in the main place of work - working full-time in part-time and part-time in relation to working time determined by the applicable regulations for a given type of work. These persons, irrespective of their working time, are counted once, according to the main place of employment. Data includes people working with the patient, without people working in the NFZ, state administration, universities; do not include people who work in the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of the Interior and Administration.
      personnel - employed personsEmployed persons - people working in a given institution, regardless of the type of contract on the basis of which the work is performed (eg employment contract, civil law contract, including the contract of mandate) and working time. One person can be shown more than once if they work in more than one place.
    • 2. Types of personnel
      doctorsExcluding dentists. The practice of the medical profession consists in the provision of health services by a person possessing the required qualifications, in particular: examination of health status, diagnosis and prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of patients, providing medical advice, as well as issuing opinions and medical certificates. (Act of 5 December 1996 on the professions of a doctor and dentist, consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2005 No. 226, item 1943).
      dentistsDentist (up to 31 May 2004 – a stomatologist) – a person who has required qualifications, confirmed by appropriate documents, to perform the profession of a dentist, which consists of providing services specified in item 1, in the scope of teeth, oral cavity, facial part of the skull and adjacent area. The Act of 5 December 1996 on the Profession of Doctor and Dentist, consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2011 No. 277, item 1634 with subsequent amendments.
    • 3. Sex
  • Variable availability in years
    NameYears of accessibilityData accessibility levelDescription
    personnel - employed persons in the main place of work   -
    personnel - employed persons   -
  • Basic Concepts