Category K9
Group G305
 SubgroupId  Years of accessibilityData accessibility levelVariables countDescription
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 8 items in 2 pages
Environmental protection and water management devices and facilities in rural areas P1989 2003-2023Region (NUTS 2)12
Fees, charges and revenue of the environment protection and water management fund P1993 2003-2024Region (NUTS 2)13
Indicator related to population since 2010 have been converted according to the balance sheet prepared on the basis of NSP 2011 results. Indicators relating to the number and structure of the population (gender, age group) since 2020 have been recalculated in accordance with the balance sheet prepared on the basis of the results of the National Census 2021.
Financing directions of voivodships environmental protection and water management funds P3939 2004-2024Region (NUTS 2)5
Investment outlays on construction of water reservoirs for small water retention P1991 2003-2016, 2018-2024Region (NUTS 2)16
Data regarding investment outlays related to this year. As from 31.12.2010 the Agricultural Protection Funds was terminated. Its means became revenues of the respective local governments. Other sources of funding include structural funds.
Investments in environmental protection and water management in rural areas P1990 2003-2023Region (NUTS 2)18