Binding local spatial management plans under the Act of 7 July 1994, and the Act of 27 March 2003.
| 2009-2023 | Gmina | 38 |
Binding local spatial management plans, drawn up on the basis of the Act of 7 July 1994 on spatial development and on the basis of the Act of 27 March 2003 on spatial planning and development. Local Spatial Management Plan – planning document of the commune adopted as byelaw by the commune council. By separating the land covered by it through dividing lines this plan designates land functions, development principles, provision with infrastructure, and – if deemed necessary – local conditions, principles and standards for building design, as well as other conditions necessitating planning regulations. Value of share of the area covered by valid local spatial management plans in total area greater than 100% results from discrepancies in the planning documentation of communes in relation to the geodetic surface published by GUGIK, taking into account the revision of territorial units since 2006. Due to the standard of older planning documentation, in the case of determining the share of the area of land allocated in local plans for particular categories of use, it is allowed to provide estimated data, and not to add up to 100%.
Decisions on the location of public purpose investment and on land development
| 2009-2023 | Gmina | 21 |
Decisions issued on the basis of the Act of 27 March 2003 on planning and spatial development. Public investment – the action of public objectives of local, voivodeship or national significance. A precondition for the implementation of an investment as defined in a programme is usually its incorporation into a Local Spatial Management Plan. Conditions of Development and Spatial Management - these conditions are issued concerning land not covered by a Local Spatial management Plan in the course of administration proceedings (without any plan preparation or participation procedures). Conditions are established by an administrative decision of the head of a rural commune, mayor, or city president issued on an application by a person or institution intending to implement constant changes concerning the land use, spatial management, or building fabric of an area. The Conditions precede the building permission. The decision defines the kind of investment, conditions resulting from special regulations, the technical infrastructure conditions and requirements concerning third party rights. The communal Study of the Conditions and Directions of Spatial Management must not be the legal basis for issuing a decision on the Conditions of Development and Spatial Management. In the case of issuing a decision on the conditions of land development to more than one applicant per one area, the total area for which such decisions have been issued is included only once. In the case of issuing a decision on the location of the public purpose investment, the data do not include the area of land related to linear investments.
Local spatial management plans in the course of preparation
| 2009-2023 | Gmina | 10 |
Local spatial management plans in the course of preparation until 2016 on the basis of the Act of 7 July 1994 on spatial development or on the basis of the Act of 27 March 2003 on spatial planning and development; since 2017 basis of the Act of 27 March 2003 on spatial planning and development. Local Spatial Management Plan – planning document of the commune adopted as byelaw by the commune council. By separating the land covered by it through dividing lines this plan designates land functions, development principles, provision with infrastructure, and – if deemed necessary – local conditions, principles and standards for building design, as well as other conditions necessitating planning regulations.
Study of conditions and directions of spatial management
| 2009-2023 | Gmina | 3 |
Study of the Conditions and Directions of Spatial Management Planning – document defining the spatial policy of a commune. The Study is to harmonize the provisions of the Local Spatial Management Plans. The Study provides for the conditions in particular with regard to the current use, management and allotment of land, to protected objects and areas, to the natural and cultural environment, to life quality of inhabitants, tasks in conjunction with the implementation of supra-local objectives. The Study defines in particular ecological values and threats, protection forms, areas already built-up, excluded from building activities, or designated for building activities including their functional features, conditions and development directions of technical and service infrastructure, areas for which a Local Spatial Management Plan is to be prepared, and areas reserved for the implementation of supra-local tasks and programmes. The Study has not the status of a bye-law and may not be used as a basis for decisions on conditions of development and spatial management.