Category K9
Group G220
 SubgroupId  Years of accessibilityData accessibility levelVariables countDescription
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 9 items in 2 pages
Area of filled fishponds P3929 2019-2022Gmina1
The area criterion for filling fish ponds is 10 ha and more.
Consumption of water for needs of the national economy and population during the year P1669 1998-2022Gmina10
Water used to fill and replenish fish ponds - until 2018 included water used to irrigate agricultural and forest land as well as to fill and replenish fish ponds. The area criterion for filling fish ponds is 10 ha and more. Indicators relating to the number and structure of the population (gender, age group) since 2020 have been recalculated in accordance with the balance sheet prepared on the basis of the results of the National Census 2021.
Industrial and municipal wastewater purified in percentage of wastewater requiring treatment P2342 2002-2022Powiat1
NP- Występują sytuacje, gdy ścieki oczyszczane są większe od ścieków ogółem, wynika to z szacunkowych metod określania ilości ścieków komunalnych odprowadzonych siecią kanalizacyjną, a także z sytuacji, gdy ścieki odprowadzone są z zakładów do oczyszczalni odrębnym kolektorem tj. z pominięciem sieci kanalizacyjnej.
Industrial and municipal wastewater requiring treatment discharged into waters or into the ground during the year P1984 2003-2022Gmina12
Some data at gmina and poviat levels are excluded from public release for methodological reasons. There are situations where treated wastewater is greater than the total wastewater, which is due to the estimation methods of determining the amount of municipal wastewater discharged through the sewage network, as well as situations where wastewater is discharged from plants to the treatment plant by a separate collector, i.e. bypassing the sewage network. Indicators relating to the number and structure of the population (gender, age group) since 2020 have been recalculated in accordance with the balance sheet prepared on the basis of the results of the National Census 2021.
Industrial and municipal wastewater treatment plants P1670 1998-2022Gmina8